Frequently Asked Questions

Why include thermal therapy in my skincare routine?
Thermal therapy is proven to reduce wrinkles and tighten skin. The earliest signs of aging appear under the eye, therefore, this is a critical area to include in your routine to achieve a younger appearance.
How long should I apply the EYESTONES?
15-20 seconds is sufficient for ideal thermal therapy.
Do you offer free shipping?
Yes, on orders that meet the minimum purchase threshold, noted at the checkout.
Where is Temprastones from?
Temprastones is based in Graz, Austria. Temprastones is 100% Austrian design, assembled in Europe.
Are Temprastones safe?
Yes, Temprastones use 3 temperature sensors to perfectly regulate the ideal temperature. Both temperatures are ideal for the thin skin under the eyes.
What are Silver EYESTONES?
All TEMPRASTONES come with included Ceramic-Coated EYESTONES. We also offer Silver-Plated anti-bacterial EYESTONES which are expertly crafted for ideal thermal transmission.